More Information
Below is some extra information specific to each setup.
To ensure accurate instructions for your specific server setup, please select the correct tab below based on the server you are currently setting up. This will provide relevant and tailored guidance for a successful setup process.
Survival Setup - More Information
Files to change:
We've used placeholders in some configuration files which will need to be changed to the name of your server. You can quickly find the URLs you need to change in the files by searching (CTRL + F) for .com
or .org
. We recommend using an editor such as Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code to utilize their search function. A list of the files you need to change can be found below:
- Store & Discord URLsplugins/DecentHolograms/holograms/CoinInformation.yml
- Store URLplugins/DecentHolograms/holograms/Welcome.yml
- Server Nameplugins/DeluxeMenus/gui_menus/...
- Store URLchatcolorbuy.yml
- Store URLcoinshop.yml
- Store URLcratemerchant.yml
- Store URLflight_time.yml
- Store URLglow.yml
- Store URLperks.yml
- Store URLranks.yml
- Store URLseasonal.yml
- Store URLtags.yml
- Store URLvaults.yml
- Store URLvote.yml
- Vote URL
- Server Name, Discord, Forums & Store URL/plugins/ExcellentCrates/previews/default.yml
- Store URL/plugins/MOTD/config.yml
- Server Name/plugins/MOTD/server-icon.png
- Replace with 64x64px server icon/plugins/TAB/config.yml
- Server Name, IP, Store URL
Other Setup:
Configure your Votifier Key in
Set up your server store with Tebex <- Click the link!
(Optional) PinataParty:
We recommend purchasing PinataParty, an optional premium plugin. It adds an extra incentive to voting for players and provides additional advertising to your server. We have the custom configuration that will work effortlessly with your server; however, as it is a Premium plugin, we are unable to provide it with our setup. PinataParty config is only available as an add-on on BuiltByBit.
You can purchase PinataParty for £10 / $12 / €11).
(Optional) GeyserMC
Crossplay is also optional, if you want to support more platforms and want to gain more players we recommend it. You can see a quick video here on how to install it.
To let bedrock players speak on the chat change this enforce-secure-profile: to false.
The latest bedrock clients will not be able to join the server without viaversion, this happens because our setup is still on 1.20.2.
Managing Coins:
Coins are the custom currency available to you on the server. They can be used to purchase exclusive features and items from the /coinshop, including Crate Keys, Chat Tags, Glow Colours, and more!
/coins give <player> <amount>
- Give coins to a player/coins take <player> <amount>
- Take coins from a player
Editing Economy:
We've worked hard to create a balanced economy that works out of the box with minimal to no adjustments needed. However, if you'd like to change any prices, you can do so easily in: /plugins/EconomyShopGUI/shops.yml
Premium Rank Perks:
Running a server is a rewarding experience, but it comes with costs. We've included 6 Premium ranks in this setup to maximize your monetization capabilities.
Chicken Rank:
Chicken chat & tab prefix
Access to /kit Chicken
Sell 2x Auction House items simultaneously
Set 2x Player Warps
Set 3x Player Homes
Virtual Crafting Table (/craft)
Fox Rank
Fox chat & tab prefix
Access to /kit Fox
1x Private /Vault
Sell 3x Auction House items simultaneously
Set 3x Player Warps
Set 5x Player Homes
Virtual Crafting Table (/craft)
Virtual Enderchest (/enderchest)
Witch Rank
Witch chat & tab prefix
Access to /kit Witch
3x Private /Vault
Sell 5x Auction House items simultaneously
Set 5x Player Warps
Set 5x Player Homes
Virtual Crafting Table (/craft)
Virtual Enderchest (/enderchest)
Squid Rank
Squid chat & tab prefix
Access to /kit Squid
3x Private /Vault
Sell 10x Auction House items simultaneously
Set 7x Player Warps
Set 7x Player Homes
Virtual Crafting Table (/craft)
Virtual Enderchest (/enderchest)
Virtual Grindstone (/grindstone)
Creeper Rank
Creeper chat & tab prefix
Access to /kit Creeper
3x Private /Vault
Sell 12x Auction House items simultaneously
Set 10x Player Warps
Set 8x Player Homes
Virtual Crafting Table (/craft)
Virtual Enderchest (/enderchest)
Virtual Grindstone (/grindstone)
Virtual Anvil (/anvil)
Virtual Stonecutter (/stonecutter)
/Feed & /Heal
Goat Rank
Goat chat & tab prefix
Access to /kit Goat
3x Private /Vault
Sell 15x Auction House items simultaneously
Set 20x Player Warps
Set 10x Player Homes
Virtual Crafting Table (/craft)
Virtual Enderchest (/enderchest)
Virtual Grindstone (/grindstone)
Virtual Anvil (/anvil)
Virtual Stonecutter (/stonecutter)
/Feed & /Heal
Change Nickname (/nick)
Unlimited /Fly
FREE Silk Touch Perk
Last updated
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