🎆Seasonal Crate

Find out information about our unique Seasonal Crate!

Seasonal Crate:

On our setups you'll find Seasonal Crates, which are a special type of crate designed to be change every Season (Autumn, Winter etc). You'll notice there are Seasonal tags that can be found in these crates; you will need to change these depending on what Season it is.

-> Open /plugins/DeluxeTags/config.yml and scroll to the bottom of the file. You'll see tags that have # next to them - these are tags that aren't currently in use. Add # next to the tags you no longer need, and remove the # from the new tags. Then, type /dm reload

-> Get the display items for the new tags for the crates with /givetag <season>. For example, if you want to implement the Winter tags, use /givetag Winter. This command can only be executed by players with the permission gettag.admin!

-> You'll then need to edit the Crate rewards, type /crate editor -> Crates -> Seasonal Crate -> Rewards -> Press Q on the current seasonal tags to remove them.

-> Drag and drop the tags in your inventory onto the green arrow in the GUI.

-> Left click on your new tag and select the Command Block.

-> Type lp user %player_name% permission set <tagpermission> true. Replace <tagpermission> with the specified permission in plugins/DeluxeTags/config.yml (For example, lp user %player_name% permission set tags.seasonal_blossom true)

-> Left Click the Redstone Comparator (Chance), then type 1 in chat.

-> Shift + Left Click the Redstone Repeater (Win Limits)

-> Left Click on the Chest in Minecart (Given Items) and take the nametag out of the GUI

Repeat the process for each of the tags!

Last updated